

Pursuing Peace Amidst Tragedy: The Israel-Palestine Conflict: alopinion.com

The Israel-Palestine conflict has once again erupted into the global spotlight. The destruction and suffering unfolding in Gaza have left many of us pondering the deep-rooted causes of this conflict and the potential for a peaceful resolution. While we unequivocally denounce the recent acts of terror by Hamas, notably their attack on Israel in October 2023, it is essential to remember that these events do not diminish the justness of the Palestinian cause. In this essay, we talk about the intricacies of the Israel-Palestine conflict, the paramount need for a two-state solution, the profound humanitarian tragedy unfolding, and India's pivotal role in championing peace and humanity in the region.

The Imperative of "Land For Peace"

The resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, specifically 242 and 338, have long embodied the principle of "Land For Peace." This principle underlines that Israel should vacate the occupied territories in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem in exchange for peace. This peace encompasses not only security but also recognition, normalisation, and a brighter future for the people of Israel and Palestine. The two-state solution is the most viable path toward lasting peace, offering a just and equitable resolution to a decades-old conflict.

Notably, the revised 2017 Charter of Hamas itself embraced a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders. This indicates that the fundamental framework for peace exists, awaiting the strong political commitment of all parties involved.

Understanding the Human Tragedy

The recent outbreak of violence has inflicted immense suffering on both Israelis and Palestinians. However, it is imperative to acknowledge the disproportionate impact on the Palestinian side. While Israel's response to Hamas's acts of terror is warranted, the sheer number of Palestinian civilian casualties, including a significant number of children, poses serious moral questions.

Quantifying human lives as "acceptable collateral damage" is unequivocally unacceptable. Dehumanisation is a perilous path, for it permits indiscriminate bombings without a moral outcry. The equation of Hamas with all 2.2 million Palestinians in Gaza serves to dehumanise the entire population. Every life, be it Israeli or Palestinian, holds equal value, and addressing the humanitarian crisis that has unfurled is a moral imperative.

The Role of the West and Media

The Western world's tendency to equate the fight for Palestinian statehood with the fight against Hamas is problematic. This narrative discredits the broader cause and undermines the Palestinian struggle. The Western media's portrayal of the conflict often oversimplifies the situation, making it challenging to comprehend the complex realities on the ground.

The term "humanitarian issues" is often used to describe the situation in Gaza. While humanitarian assistance is vital to address basic needs, the unfolding tragedy is more than a humanitarian issue—it is a question of humanity itself. The loss of innocent lives and the mass displacement of Palestinians transcend humanitarian concerns and strike at the very core of our shared humanity.

The Arab World's Responsibility

The Arab world is not without reproach in the Israel-Palestine conflict. In their rush to normalise relations with Israel, many Arab countries have downplayed the significance of the Palestinian cause. While they have discussed the Palestinian issue, it has often been overshadowed by their eagerness to engage with Israel.

The Gulf countries, known for their "oil clout," could have exerted more significant influence before the Israeli ground operations began. Normalising relations with Israel without addressing the Palestinian issue offers no long-term security guarantees, especially as these countries transition toward more liberal governance.

Israel's Role in the Conflict

Israel, too, bears responsibility for perpetuating the conflict. Successive Israeli governments have made the two-state solution increasingly unattainable. The current ultranationalist government openly opposes a two-state solution. The expansion of settlements, the disregard for UN Security Council Resolution 2334, and Israel's historical role in the emergence of Hamas are all contributing factors to the ongoing conflict.

A History of Violence and Broken Promises

The history of the Israel-Palestine conflict has been marked by cycles of violence followed by agreements that remain unimplemented. The Yom Kippur War of 1973 led to the Camp David Accords in 1978, promising Palestinian self-rule. When these promises went unfulfilled, the First Intifada began in 1987, leading to the Oslo Accords of 1993 and 1995, which also failed to bring lasting peace.

The current situation is dire, with Gaza often described as the world's largest open-air prison. Condemning Hamas's acts of terror while neglecting the historical injustices perpetuates a cycle of violence and suffering.

India's Role in Promoting Peace

India has consistently supported a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. While being cautious about the potential repercussions of terror acts in the region, India has aligned with the Arab world in normalising relations with Israel, exemplified by groupings like the I2U2 (India, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States).

As we look to the future, India can play an even more active role in advocating for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. By supporting the two-state solution and acknowledging the humanitarian tragedy, India can demonstrate a commitment to justice, humanity, and the pursuit of lasting peace in the region.

At the end, the Israel-Palestine conflict is a deeply ingrained and intricate issue with historical grievances on both sides. While acts of terror, such as Hamas's actions in October 2023, are reprehensible, they do not diminish the justness of the Palestinian cause. The principle of "Land For Peace" remains the most viable path to a just and lasting resolution, with the two-state solution providing a clear way forward.

It is essential to view the conflict through the lens of humanity and to recognize that every life, whether Israeli or Palestinian, holds equal value. Dehumanisation, the equation of Hamas with all Palestinians, and the oversimplification of the conflict in the media only perpetuate the cycle of violence and suffering.

The Western world, the Arab world, Israel, and the international community all share in the responsibility for the ongoing conflict. Successive broken promises and cycles of violence have marked the history of the conflict, making it crucial to break this cycle and work toward a lasting resolution.

India, with its alignment with the Arab world and its historical support for the two-state solution, has a unique role to play in promoting peace and justice in the region. By advocating for a two-state solution and acknowledging the humanitarian tragedy, India can contribute to the global effort to bring lasting peace to Israel and Palestine, and in doing so, reflect the values of justice, humanity, and compassion.

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